I like to do shopping online because its easy and i don't have to leave my couch. i don't have to deal with sales associates offering me credit cards. i never have to ask an employee a question because the answer is always in front of you. I did find 2 cool websites to help. this goofy camel company is set up so you can type in an item, and it will track the price of that item online. then you can tell it to send you alerts when you want. and thankfully they never spam. camelcamelcamel.com is the amazon tracking site. then in the top right you can switch to bestbuy and a couple others. very neat. secondly, i think i already talked about filleritem.com also very neat as well.
This blog is for remembering important things, as well as providing links where credit is due. I am also transforming myself into a web engineer.