So far i have not seen any good plugins to delete old comments. My website was on autopilot for a year without akismet and racked up literally 484,000 comments. I was not going to go through deleting them 20 at a time, and all the plugins i tried just didn't work. After reading about myPHPadmin, i was slightly scared to log into the backend and send a script to the mySQL database. Its easier than it sounds. log into godaddy launch hosting control center and select databases > mySQL If you know your database password, skip to #2. if you don't, continue if you don't know your username and password, you'll have to change it. IF YOU CHANGE IT, you must also go into the FTP file manager and tell wordpress you've changed your password, i'll explain how below. click the pencil on the far right, next to "Manage via phpMyAdmin" click the password button on top nav put in a new password. you must remember...