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Showing posts from June, 2012

Learning Python

Google put out some videos about learning python. A decent tutorial and discussion. Setup and materials Lecture Videos 1.1 Introduction, strings 1.2 Lists and sorting 1.3 Dicts and files 2.1 Regular expr 2.2 Utilities 2.3 Utilities urllib 2.4 Conclusions

Godaddy edit wp-config.php file

source The only reason you should edit your wp-config.php is if you have recently updated your database password. If you're using using godaddy, click "My Account" then "launch" your web host. click the large button that says "FTP* File Manager" edit "Page Size: 25" to "Page size: 50" and find wp-config.php, make sure you don't select wp-config-sample.php click the edit button.  Set Database Password Replace yourpasswordhere , with the your password, e.g. MyPassWord . define('DB_PASSWORD', ' MyPassWord' ); // Example MySQL password Now you can go back and use phpMyAdmin to edit your wordpress database the complete guide is Delete all Comments from wordpress hosted on godaddy

Resetting your mySQL database password with Godaddy

You probably got here from To Reset Your MySQL Database Password Log in to your Account Manager. Click Web Hosting . Next to the hosting account you want to use, click Launch . In the Databases section of the Hosting Control Center, click the MySQL icon. Click the pencil icon next to the database you would like to change the password for to open its edit features. Click the Password icon in the menu bar. In the Update Password window, enter the new password you would like to use in the Enter New Password and Confirm New Password fields. Click OK The password for the selected database will take up to one hour to change. Use this new password to log into the Database Manager of this database. NOTE: If you use a MySQL-based application, such as WordPress, you must update your connection strings to use the new password. how to delete all comments from wordpress on godaddy

Using phpMyAdmin to Manage Mysql databases

This is one step in helping you delete comments on wordpress. I'll try to make a master guide. source To Manage Your Databases Using phpMyAdmin Log in to your Account Manager. Click Web Hosting . Next to the hosting account you want to use, click Launch . In the Databases section of the Hosting Control Center, click MySQL . Click Manage via phpMyAdmin for the database you want to manage with phpMyAdmin. Enter your user name and password. The user name is the same as the database name. TIP: If you don't know your password, see Resetting Your MySQL Database Password for information about changing it. Click Go . When you're inside your MySQL database,  delete all comments from wordpress .

How to Delete All Comments From Wordpress hosted on Godaddy using myPHPadmin

So far i have not seen any good plugins to delete old comments.  My website was on autopilot for a year without akismet and racked up literally 484,000 comments. I was not going to go through deleting them 20 at a time, and all the plugins i tried just didn't work. After reading about myPHPadmin, i was slightly scared to log into the backend and send a script to the mySQL database.  Its easier than it sounds. log into godaddy launch hosting control center and select databases > mySQL If you know your database password, skip to #2. if you don't, continue if you don't know your username and password, you'll have to change it. IF YOU CHANGE IT, you must also go into the FTP file manager and tell wordpress you've changed your password, i'll explain how below. click the pencil on the far right, next to "Manage via phpMyAdmin" click the password button on top nav put in a new password. you must remember...

Design, Prototyping, and Manufacturing of Physical Products Guide

Below is a Design, Prototyping, and Manufacturing of Physical Products Guide that i found on Hackernews that i wanted to save for eternity. source Best Cheap Design Package:  Ailbre Design (as low as $50) I used this before Solidworks, if the design isn’t extremely complicated this is the software to use. Make sure to find a coupon, they offer 50% off about every other month. There are 3 different price points depending on what you are doing. Very active community that helps newcomers learn. Enclosure Prototyping in the US: or I tend to use Quickparts more, but Protomold is also very good. All you do is upload the design and they price it. Also Quickparts offers samples that show you different finishes, materials, and designs problems to avoid. If new, definitely order one. Design Guidelines: Shows you the general rules on materials and design. ...

How to Stop getting Facebook Notifications from Close Friends

I recently saw a facebook popup to "Star" some friends to indicate they're close. I didn't realize that i'd get a notification for every single post they made. WOW.  Here's how to turn off notifications: Log into facebook Now on the left click down to view your lists ! You can use this link if you want >>> Click the notifications button and turn them OFF. 

Xbox is the Best Opportunity Microsoft has to remain a Consumer Company

People are constantly finding more ways to spend less money on cable/comcast without giving up the content. All the content providers and networks are making fantastic content but none of them are pushing it out there. Eventually things we dream about will come true, our questions will be answered. Why can't i watch this hockey game on the internet. Why can't i watch it on my xbox? why can't i watch it on my PS3/ROKU/boxee/etc. I think there needs to be an open-source distributor, who literally only keeps enough money to pay the bills and expand. 

Facebook Photos Screensaver Windows

I wanted to share this windows screensaver that pulls in recent facebook photos. Its called photogroupr and it pulls in recent facebook photos and creates a screensaver for your windows PC. You can create groups so that recent photos from everyone in the group are uploaded to all the screensavers