My email used to be exchange, but we recently were moved over to outlook365, this post is to help people who use outlook365, but also people who think they're using exchange who are using outlook365. I wanted to create some emails that automatically forward to other people in the office. Often companies use these 3: First visit - if you have never used this, you might not have the same capability. Click "Home": Click "Options": Click "Manage Myself" and change to "My Organization" Click "Distribution Groups" Here is where you can Edit or Add new Alias Email Accounts on outlook365. To Create New: Click "New" Display name - This is similar to account holder name. Just put "sales" or whatever, you can change this later. Alias is the internal name for the group, should be unique and descriptive so every...
This blog is for remembering important things, as well as providing links where credit is due. I am also transforming myself into a web engineer.